BlythRPG community
Blyth Cover

Welcome to the Adventures in Blyth wiki. A place that offers access to pages regarding the Blyth campaign setting that was created by Bollywood and started being used in 2018. Read up on the lore of the world of Blyth, the creatures the exist within it and the stories that are told throughout it. This wiki is intended for personal use so players can keep up-to-date with the happenings of the world and learn more about it's history but feel free to read through it even if you aren't involved.

Enter the World of Blyth[]

  • Cartography and Sociology: Information on the various locations and cultures throughout Blyth.
  • The Church: Information on the infamous Church of St. Cuthbert, the contracts of Blyth and the forgotten deities.
  • Fiends, Oddities and Monsters: Information about various species, monsters and villains of Blyth.
  • The Laboratory: Information on the technological and scientific prowess in Blyth.
  • The Museum: Information on the history, events and royalty of Blyth.
  • The Teahouse: Information on the various episodes and the character found in them can be found here.
  • The Unknown: Information for various topics concerning arcana and other maddening subjects.
  • Director's Notes: Information for Meta concepts concerning house rules, accepted materials and other questions that come up regularly.
Adventures in Blyth Ara Kronika Dharrenal

"Welcome to a world of tranquility and space. A world of promises and revenge. A world of madness and discovery. A world of consciousness and shadows. Of dreams. Of memory. Of nightmares. Of forget. Welcome to Blyth, a world of secrets."
